12th National World Sickle Cell Day
We would like to invite the general public to our National World Sickle Cell Day Celebrations.
Theme - Heartbeats of Hope for Sickle Cell: Embracing Sickle Cell Warriors.
Colour - Red Elegance
Date – 22nd of June 2024
Venue - Hilton Dublin Airport, Malahide Road Time - 6:00pm.
Join us as we come together to educate and celebrate the lives of those affected by sickle cell while we understand the impact and true stories of people living with sickle cell disease in Ireland.
This years special edition will launch our project which was funded by the department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, under the International Decade for African Decent funding.
Tickets can be bought by making payments directly to our bank account. Please reference your name and organization
Bank Transfer:
Sickle Cell Society Ireland
Sort Code: 901204
A/C no: 29091217
IBAN: IE72BOFI90120429091217
Or by sending money to our paypal account email info@sicklecellsocietyireland.org
Revolut: @estherneqe
For contacts:
Early bird tickets end on 27th May 2024.