1. The Sci-Fy Project
“The Sci-Fy Project” is a Youth Initiative of The Sickle Cell Society Ireland where young people affected by sickle cell become leaders and active agents of change in sickle cell awareness raising in Ireland, international and global levels. The key objective of the Sci-Fy project is to empower young people and realising potentials for better outcome.
Over the years the Sickle Cell Society Ireland has partnered with very notable institutions in Ireland. In 2015, Sickle Cell Society Ireland partnered with Irish Blood Transfusion Services, Irish Patients Association, CMRF Crumlin, Metro Eireann and The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland to officially launch the #SickleCellMatters Campaign which has now become a global campaign with countries across the world adapting to the hashtag.
In 2013, through grants from the Community Foundation Ireland (CFI), SCSI was able to conduct a project aimed to strengthen its organisational capacity and raise awareness of the Irish public about the sickle cell disease through visits and distribution of information material – posters and factsheets – to schools, colleges, faith-based organisations, libraries, community and voluntary organisations, and hospitals in the Dublin area. The project essentially aimed to:
- Mobilise and train parents/guardians for leadership and active citizenship;
- Create an entity of a parent-led board of trustees and a growth strategy for scsi with a 6-month timeframe;
- Train board members to deliver the SCSI goals through campaigns and advocacy;
- Deliver in reach training of selected members to develop capacity to address sickle cell community as well as migrants’ attitudes and perceptions of sickle cell; and
- Engage in outreach campaigns towards achieving greater public awareness about sickle cell using flyers, videos, Microsoft PowerPoint presentations; information workshops; posters, social media, scsi website and factsheets as tools.
Other notable works
- Parents Awareness Day, November 2012;
- Public Health Education Campaign, February, 2013;
- Easter Treat for family project, targeting all sick children in hospital, March 2013;
- World Sickle Cell Day, June 2013; Stakeholder Meeting, October 2013, which was targeted at bringing together stakeholders from all the sectors and international partners on a round table debate.